
  • Nathaniel Stookey: Shadow Breaking, after the painting by Rachel Dwan
  • Peter Josheff: Same Old Sadness, after a painting by Peter Canty
  • Michael Panther: Oil on Canvas, after a painting by Paul Gibson
  • Libby Larsen: The Only Way Through is Slow, after a painting by Nikki Vismara
  • Trevor Weston: Notre Dame au milieu de l’eau et du ciel, after a painting by Albert-Marie Lebourg
  • Jim Stephenson: Guillaumin, after a painting by Armand Guillaumin
  • Evan Price: Blue Swan, after a sculpture by Sean O’Donnell
  • Cindy Cox: Into the Light, after a painting by Victoria Veedell
  • Shinji Eshima: The Collection, after a painting by Paul Gibson
  • Eric Schwartz: Placed Into the Abyss, after a painting by Paul Gibson
  • Edmund Campion: SPLITS (Le Grand Ècart), after a pastel drawing by Ludovic-Rodo Pissarro
  • David Mecionis: Couple au lit, after a painting by Jean-Louis Forain
  • Linda Marcel: Raven’s Dance, after a painting by Nina Fabunmi
  • Maija Hynninen: Island, after a painting by Elaine Pratt
  • Jose Gonzalez Granero: Cadenza II, after a painting by Robert Antoine Pinchon
  • Emily Onderdonk: Arredondo, after a mixed media collage by Carrington Arredondo
  • Jacques Desjardins: Émergence, after a painting by Susan Bostrom-Wong
  • Catherine Neville: Idyll, after a painting by Paulémile Pissarro
  • Catherine Neville: Danses, after the lithograph by Henri Fantin-Latour
  • Sebastian Kelso: TBA, after a painting by Bernard Gussow
  • Jessica Mays: And miles to go…, after a painting by Albert Malet
  • Dan Flanagan: Monterey Sentinels, after the painting by Joaquin Turner
  • Dan Flanagan: An Animated Street in Autumn, after the painting by Jean-François Raffaëlli
  • Dan Flanagan: Timeless,” Rhapsody in Discomfort #5, after a sculpture series by Sean O’Donnell
  • Dan Flanagan: Inevitable Entails, after the mixed media painting series by Beth Davila Waldman
  • Dan Flanagan: Nue aux Cheveux Roux- Hommage á Henner
  • Dan Flanagan: “Ehrlichia,” Rhapsody in Discomfort #6, inspiring a painting by Nancy Schroeder
  • Dan Flanagan: Perlmutter, after a painting by Jennifer Perlmutter (commissioned by Gold Coast Chamber Players)


“Dan Flanagan is a true Renaissance man… His generosity and intelligence informed the entire program… Every aspect of the production was thoroughly professional and of a high quality, yet presented in a relaxed and engaging way… The selected paintings were displayed clearly on a large screen.  Before each composition, the violinist rendered a brief introduction, with personal notes about the visual and musical artists… Mr. Flanagan brought this to life convincingly.”

-David LaMarche, New York Concert Review